Picture of the Month – July 2017

This months picture…

Bulleid Merchant Navy class 21C14 'Nederland Line' built from a Millholme kit, heads to London with the up Devon Belle having taken over the train at Wilton. Adams O2 built from a Wills kit, shunts the ash wagon on shed. My Grandfather, a Ganger,  can be seen taking a break leaning on his ballast fork near the platelayers hut.
Bulleid Merchant Navy class 21C14 ‘Nederland Line’ built from a Millholme kit, heads to London with the up Devon Belle having taken over the train at Wilton. Adams O2 built from a Wills kit, shunts the ash wagon on shed. My Grandfather, a Ganger, can be seen taking a break leaning on his ballast fork near the platelayers hut.

5 thoughts on “Picture of the Month – July 2017

  1. I will try to get to Exeter but other commitments may prevent.
    Nice pic of MC and O2. But side by side which are the better models – the Millholme and Wills or Hornby and Kernow? And the better runners?
    I still enjoy my G6 (Finecast?) but it is on borrowed time if a rtr appears!

    1. I have to say that the modern RTR are generally better models, the running qualities of my kit built models do vary so some are better than RTR and visa versa

  2. A very nice portrait, it’s hard to believe that you can now get the models in RTR these days!

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